2004 – 2024

Registered as a Voluntary Organisation bearing Certificate Identification No. VO 2225 under the Voluntary Organisations Act (Chapter 492 of the Laws of Malta)
Principal Purpose: Philanthropic
Enrolment Classification: ‘Volunteerism Promotion and Support’

Welcome message

On behalf of our fraternity and of this constituted Link in the universal Chain of Regular Grand Lodges, we are honoured and privileged to bid you welcome to our page, and to Malta. The tradition of Maltese hospitality is world-renowned, and we have a warm embrace for those of our Brotherhood who might wish to visit our Islands and meet us.

To those who only know of Freemasonry through portrayals as a secret, self-serving, or sinister society, you could be persuaded otherwise. If you are a stranger enquiring of our organisation, of our purpose, or of our beliefs may we say at the outset that we are not a religious order but do believe in a universal all-seeing God; and through its precepts Freemasonry encourages members to follow that religion to which they belong. Worldwide Masonic membership includes men of all races, nationality, political affiliation, colour, and creed. As to Political persuasion we are strictly apolitical and positively forbid political debate when we gather together.

We claim no special place in society, and in applying strict disciplines upon ourselves we remain cognisant of weakness in our brethren and others in distress and are moved to assist those in difficulty to the utmost of our ability. Our motivation is manifold and centres on developing inborn traits of humility, tolerance, and charity, which we seek to hone to individual and to universal advantage; but, as with all mortals, sadly we often fall short of fully achieving our objectives and ambitions.

We mutually congregate in discreet and orderly fashion respecting traditions inherited over centuries past. Self-control and respect for civil authority are as cement to the cornerstones of our beliefs and our behaviour. We form ourselves in groups we call Lodges; each functioning individually with its team of officers headed by an elected Master; each operating through our Constitution, i.e. our internal rules and procedures; and all responding to the authority of our Grand Lodge. We abide by the laws of the State and are critical of those in violation and expect similar from those around us. We recognise there are some who regard our titling of officers, our terminology, our formal dress codes, and our conduct, as rather peculiar in a modern society: but we are unapologetic in adhering to our traditions.

Whatever your motivation in contacting us, we thank you for your interest and for this opportunity to tell you a little about ourselves.

With our best wishes for every success in your ongoing honest endeavours,

Simon Cusens
Grand Master
Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta

On 5th September 2004, at a time of Maltese nationalistic celebrations marking 40 years of Maltese independence, and 25 years since the closure of the British naval base, and in anticipation of the admission of Malta into the European Union, three of the four Malta-based Irish Constitution lodges met together and resolved to form themselves into the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta.

This historic move was supported by one of the English (UGLE) lodges on the island, Count Roger of Normandy Lodge No 9285, and at a special meeting held on 30th June 2004 the lodge resolved to unite with the Irish lodges in the formation of the new Grand Lodge. The fourth Irish Constitution lodge also decided to participate.

Following these events, the Grand Lodge of Ireland, in consultation with the United Grand Lodge of England and the Grand Lodge of Scotland, acceded to the petition of the five lodges. On 18th November 2004, with the Grand Master of Ireland presiding, these five lodges were instituted and founded by the Grand Lodge of Ireland into The Sovereign Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Malta (SGLoM).

The effect of having a Grand Lodge is that SGLoM has become the sovereign Masonic body for the Maltese islands, having inherent power and authority to form a Constitution as its fundamental law, and subject only to the Ancient Landmarks of Freemasonry to enact laws for its own government and that of its subordinate Lodges. The remaining lodges of other constitutions (two English and one Scottish) may continue to meet in Malta, but new lodges may be founded only by the SGLoM. For months, the representatives of the five founding lodges met and drafted a Book of Constitution which was adopted at the constituting Grand Lodge Meeting on 18th November 2004.

The first Grand Master of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta was Joseph Cordina. In April 2005, a research lodge was founded named Ars Discendi (Art of Learning), and in November 2005 the lodge Flos Mundi (Flower of the World) was founded. This latter lodge was intended to attract Maltese and Italian brethren and works in the Italian language. Anthony Pisani succeeded Joseph Cordina as Grand Master in 2010. During that year, a new lodge was founded, named White Sea Lodge. In April 2011 Mare Nostrum Lodge was founded, taking the number of subordinate lodges to nine. This lodge was intended to gather a membership hailing from the Mediterranean region. Over the course of the next twelve years, five further lodges were founded. Simon Cusens succeeded Tony Pisani as Grand Master in 2019 and it is anticipated that another four new lodges will be added to the Roll of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta by early 2025, making a total of eighteen lodges by that point.

The Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta follows the English and Commonwealth pattern of Freemasonry working with different rituals including the Emulation, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, York Rite and Irish Rite. This means that Malta recognises the three degrees of Craft Freemasonry (Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason), plus the Order of Royal Arch Freemasonry, as collectively forming the whole of “pure ancient Freemasonry”. As in England, Royal Arch Chapters may be formed in Malta with the consent of the Grand Master and each such Chapter must be attached to a warranted Lodge.

During 2025, SGLoM will be bringing to fruition a project to reopen two Mark Master Mason Lodges, that worked in Malta in the late 19th century and early to mid-20th century and two new Royal Ark Mariner Lodges ‘moored’ to them, reviving a tradition that had been very strong in Malta prior to the 1970s.

The Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta is recognised by most regular Grand Lodges worldwide which in 2024 amounted to 130 international masonic jurisdictions (click ‘Foreign Relations’ link below to view):

Lodges of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta

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“Freemasonry is an international brotherhood.”

“It gives me a sense of belonging”

“It’s about taking a good man and supporting him to be a better man.”